Jay Townley, of bike research firm Gluskin Townley group, says it is the mechanics, or "shop rats" ( he was one for many years) that hold the true power in any bike shop. 自行车研究机构GluskinTownleyGroup的分析师杰•汤利称,对任何自行车商店来说,影响力最大的人永远是改装高手,也就是“DIY达人”。
The last function you're going to create is going to take some recursion, where the true power of list processing using Lisp lies. 将要创建的最后一个函数要执行一些递归操作,这是使用Lisp进行列表处理的真正强大之处。
The true power of a software delivery automation solution is agile governance and oversight of your software delivery initiatives. 软件交付自动化方案的真实价值是灵敏的管理和对软件交付第一步进行监督。
The test code provided in this article will reveal the true power of Cell/ B.E.processing for threaded applications, and to some extent, the vector processing capabilities of the SPEs. 本文中提供的测试代码将展示Cell/B.E.系统给线程化应用程序带来的巨大改进,并在某种程度上展示SPE的向量处理功能。
I'll walk you through a sample application to help you better understand jWebUnit's true power. 我将带您研究一个示例应用程序,帮助您更好地理解jWebUnit的真正威力。
The true power of nature was in full display throughout the Midwest. 大自然的力量在美国中西部地区展现的淋漓尽致。
The Lich King gived me the true power, I will kill my father ereyonce. 巫妖王给了我真正的力量,我会次次杀死我的父亲。
Now you see true power! 现在你见识真正的力量!
The RMS radiodetector with comprehensive function is used at measuring true power at signal independently, ensured very tall repeatability and accuracy. 性能周全的RMS检波器用于自力于信号而测量正确功率,确保了很高的反复性和切确度。
An actual example of small area land-use analysis based on the spatial load forecasting in a true power system illustrates the application process and efficiency of the method. 用一个实际系统的空间电力负荷预测的小区用地分析实例说明了该方法的应用过程和有效性。
Any aspirant can mimic the style, but without passion the movements will lack true power. 任何修习者都可以模仿这一招式,但若没有激情,便会缺乏真正的力量。
I have not come this far to be stopped! The future I have planned will not be jeopardized! Now, you will taste true power! 我不可能就此止步!没有阻力可以干扰我规划好的未来!现在,你将感受真正的力量!
The 'single rule book' is the true power. ‘单一规则手册’是名副其实的权力。
Vergil: But he has no idea of its true power. 维吉尔:但他并不知道那东西真正的力量。
Let the true power of the Gorgon be unleashed on Aurax. 让蛇发女怪真正的魔法释放到你的身上吧。
And as you remember who you are, you will reclaim your true power from these illusions that you saw as real sources of healing, happiness, peace, etc. 而当你记起你是谁,你将从这些幻相&它们只是幻相,可是你一直把它们看做是疗愈、快乐、平静等等的真正源头里迎回力量。
The awakened one has not conflict with oneself; and hence has true power. 觉醒的人与自己没有冲突,因此拥有真正的力量。
It is then that you will see the true power that you have within you, because as you hold to Joy, you will shift all the energies of the Universe, and your life and your world will change. 是在那样的时候,你才会看见你内在拥有的真正力量,因为当你保持欢乐,你会调动宇宙的所有能量,而你的生活和你的世界就会改变。
The true power of the vampire nation lies here. 吸血鬼帝国的真正力量就在这里。
Zeus: Now I will show you the true power of a god! 宙斯:现在我将会给你看神的真实力量!
Indeed, many see Mr Putin as continuing to hold true power at least in the initial years. 事实上,很多人认为普京将掌控真正的权力,至少在下届政府头几年将会如此。
He saw that all true power moved in a circle. 他看到所有真正的力量进入了一个循环之中。
From Ping Wang onwards, the Zhou kings ruled in name only, with true power lying in the hands of powerful nobles. 从平起,周国王统治只是名义上的,具有真正的权力躺在手中的强大的贵族。
It has some overhead, but its true power is in its simplicity of use. 它有一些开销,但其真正的力量在其使用简单的。
The social media landscape evolves so rapidly that even marketers of major brands struggle to harness its true power. 社群媒体发展如此迅速,即使是市场的领导品牌,也不得不积极利用这个力量。
The true power of these substitutions will become apparent in the next section. 这些替换的真正威力将会在下一节显现。
True power and true politeness are above vanity.& Voltaire 真正有权力和真正有礼貌的,都不虚荣。&伏尔泰
Since Thoreau always thinks that the individual is the true power of solving the problems of the society and the government, this chapter centers on the discussion of the relation between the individual and the society and the relation between the individual and the government. 因为梭罗认为个人是解决个人与社会以及个人与政府之间的诸多问题的重要的力量,所以本章将主要围绕个人与社会环境以及个人与政府之间的关系进行阐述。
Therefore, the author determined choice under the new situation anti ‐ corruption studies as a who is the title of dissertation, hope could contribute to the construction of anti ‐ corruption after a true power. 因此,笔者果断选择新形势下反腐倡廉问题研究作为自己学位论文的题目,希望能对以后的反腐倡廉建设贡献一份力量。